Parallax Coffee

Branding & Packaging

Creative collective

Parallax Coffee is an environmentally conscious coffee shop that encourages people to be creative and caring for others.

The collage and custom designed box emulates film and photography, with a bold statement.


Logo —————————— 1/4

Color —————————— 2/4

Imagery —————————— 3/4

All imagery should fall under copy right free and public domain.

When including imagery or creative collages, it is important to consider the following aspects when the image is of a person.

Is the person famous? If so, what are they famous for? Do they align with the feeling and sentiment of the brand?

Asking these three questions help steer the choices of who is included on brand imagery. Diverysity should also be a key consideration.

People should be interacting with something or in a notable environment, with no obvious outside brands present.

When sourcing images of unknown people, including interactive set pieces or forms are ways to include cohesive backdrops to the collages.

Photos should convey a sense of nastolgia or longing, mixing time periods is encouraged. 

Images should be converted to black and white and then tinted with a color from the brand guidelines.

Tone —————————— 4/4The tone of the brand is conveyed through the writing style and the image selection. The main goal is to represent the key ideals as supportive, trustworthy, and creative. It is common for coffee sourcing to mistreat the farmers and workers, often following unethical practices. The tone should represent the honesty of the brand and be friendly to customers. 

The target audience of this brand is creatives who have an appreciation for the legacy of art and design, and would respond positively to a tone that uplifts both history and contemporary art.


Project Imagery —————————— 1/4
The overall imagery of the packaging reflects how there is a community built in coffee shops, and coffee lovers are often creative people, who love art, photography, film, etc. This branding caters to those who seek more from their life— with the eye catching bold green color and the intriguing imagery that wraps around and into the packaging. Sustainability also plays a key part into the identity, where the screw cap glass bottle are perfect for refilling on the next visit to the coffee shop, and the recycled cardboard and plant based ink more environmentally friendly. 

Moodboard for the branding and packaging inspiration.Collage —————————— 2/4
The key words at the beginning of the branding process were experiential, creative, analog, and specialized. The black and white collage calls. 
Collage process for the 6 pack.
Packaging —————————— 3/4
The enviromental impact of coffee and packaging product is one of the key aspects to the brand, so packaging materials, manufacturing imapack, and reusability were all extremely important during the branding process. There is a heavy focus on reusable packaging to not only help the environment but bring a sense of ownership and covetedness to the patrons. 

Victoria MILLSAP
American based in Paris

Masters Student at LISAA Paris 
Art Direction & Typography → 2023—2025

Reach out !

+33 07 45 41 46 58